Helping Families & Individuals Succeed.
Dr. Nay can help you identify your options and tailor a treatment program developed specifically for you.
Dr. Nay employs cognitive-behavioral treatments (CBT) to help individuals and family alter unhelpful beliefs and emotions like anger & Depression.
Welcome to McLean Psychological Practice! I employ cognitive-behavioral treatments (CBT) to help adults and couples, adolescents and children alter unhelpful beliefs and uncomfortable emotions like Anxiety, Anger and Depression and how to Manage Stress. Other issues I address include Relationship Issues, Self-Esteem, ADD and ADHD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Anger Management.
MY Areas of specialty include:

Adult Therapy
Our lives are stressful and complex. Sometimes even overwhelming! I employ short-term and effective approaches to quickly identifying life challenges and work with you to craft a treatment plan that is specific and practical.
Anger Management
Self Esteem Issues
Anxiety Disorders & Stress
Motivation & Life Goals

Children & Adolescents Counseling
If your child or teen is experiencing anger, mood swings, anxiety or behavioral problem or is having school study or social issues, I can help.
Anger & Conduct Problems
ADD / ADHD Treatment
Parenting – Limits & Boundaries
Anxiety Disorders & Fears
Depression & Self Esteem
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Social Skills & Relationships
School performance Issues

Couples & Family Counseling
After careful assessment of your needs, treatment is practical, focused on learning new skills and communication strategies and is generally short-term.
Communications Skills
Defusing Conflict
Marriage Counseling
Pre-Marital Counseling
Boundary Setting
Crafting Vision Statements
Resolving Differences
Setting Goals
Challenge and change your unhelpful thinking, so you can
Achieve Goals In Life
Allow me to teach you how to create new patterns of behavior to get your objectives met. My treatment process is short-term
and goal-directed, teaching effective new behaviors and problem-solving skills.
Request a Consultation
ABOUT Dr. W. Robert Nay, Ph.D.
W. Robert Nay, PhD. is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in McLean, Virginia and Annapolis, Maryland where he lives with his wife, Joyce. He has been on the faculty of Virginia Commonwealth University, the University of Illinois and most recently serves as Clinical Associate Professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine. Having written two previous textbooks: Behavioral Intervention: Contemporary Strategies and Multi-method Clinical Assessment to train mental health professionals, he has also written numerous invited book chapters and articles in professional journals and has served as Associate Editor of the academic journal Behavior Therapy.